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Posts posted by JustSpanking

  1. He can call it whatever he wants, and agents in some jobs do get fees for placement...talent agencies, temp agencies, etc. But they are regulated by strict legal guidelines. This here sounds suspiciously close to violating the 13th Amendment...ya know, the one that put the last nail in the coffin for U.S. slavery. You cannot "finder fee" shit without a contractual agreement with fair quid pro quo...emphasis on FAIR. Meaning he can't just up and sell someone, hand them a bus ticket and call it square. It's called human trafficing to rope someone in by manipulative coercion either physical, financial or otherwise and sell them for anything or reason...work, sex, adoption, etc. I write this not because this looks like a sketchy houseboy situation, but because in general our world is losing its grip on the concept of modern day slavery going on in our midst. Unless this houseboy shows you independently, and of his own free will, a fair, LEGAL contract he signed on to, of him getting a legally reasonable outcome for any fee (all of which he is aware of, consents to, is competent to decide), and the contract contains no illegal stipulations on his job duties, or anything else illegal, and he is free to end his employment without fear or retribution...it might not end up with everyone in prison... IF a verrry "understanding" judge overlooks the fact this all played out on a site called houseboy.com with sex cam ads, porn shows, profiles that ask if you party hard or just do weed or poppers, among other things..ffs...lmfao :)

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