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  4. I’m surprised the site admins let you post that you’re using their site to find clients looking for houseboys. Most guys know the reason sites like this are falling behind is because being a houseboy or looking for that dad/son relationship is mainstream now, so there is little need for sites like this. They just go on regular dating sites and apps, state in their profile they’re looking to be a houseboy or looking to have a houseboy, and they meet from there. You can even go on social media groups to find houseboys. Those sites are better monitored than old school outdated sites like this which have to make their money from ad revenue rather than actual usage. Most of the people that truly use sites like this now are us that have been here from the early days that just want to hold on to the memory of what sites like this used to be. Also, how would you get paid? Who would pay you after finding a guy? What will you do if they don’t pay, repossess a boy? How much are these boys paying you to be placed? What systems do you have and what background checks are you doing to know these boys are legit? How exactly do you have a supply of boys to sell? You’d have to have some sort of website to take legit secure payments, or are you using one of those person to person apps? What country is your business registered, or do you just sell boys as a side hustle? How would anyone know the boy you send won’t just be in on this (or just be you) who will show up just long enough to get the money transferred and then disappear? Seems fishy at best.
  5. Greetings to all employers of the site. I have noticed that there are so many scammers and cheaters here. I would like to offer you the opportunity to find the truth that you want, if you contact me I will find you a guy living not in another country but in your country who will agree to the conditions that you specify. For the search of such a boy I would like to receive compensation in the amount of 500$ All who agree write payment occurs only after your boy flies to you personally. No cheating no other country no money in advance or sending money until you are together. If anyone is interested leave your contact or any message under this post I will write you myself.
  6. When you think about it, the same can be said about employers. A man that has it all that come on a site like this to find a mate; there’s a reason a guy with so much to offer can’t find that match on a regular dating app. However, you just have to be honest about it. Do you really want to deal with an addict or recovering addict? Not all houseboys have issues like that. There are plenty on here like me that have never even touched a cigarette and have never burned bridges to the point that I had to be homeless. Again, it might just be someone that truly enjoys being of service to a deserving and hardworking man. I still miss that part about being a houseboy so much so that I visit one of my past employers every time a twink leaves him high and dry so I can enjoy a week or two of being there for him. So, don’t settle for the idea that a guy is a houseboy only because he has issues. Put in the effort to say no to that cute guy that comes with issues that you’d rather not deal with so you’ll have room for that amazing guy that just wants to be there for someone. He’s out there, just don’t settle.
  7. That is all very well said. And while there are reasonable and sensible employers here, there are also a lot of unrealistic expectations. Some guys think they're going to find a dream boy lover who falls into their arms for the price of a crust of bread and a roof over their head. I imagine a lot of houseboys end up in an impossible position of having to choose between being candid and being matched. And while no HB is going to want to fess up to this, most HBs come with issues and being an HB is plan B in their lives. Mental health issues, substance abuse, temperament, whatever it is. Employers have to be willing to accept this reality and be willing to work with what they can work with. More realistic expectations from Employers = More honest HBs.
  8. Try going after something other than twinks. When I was a houseboy, I was the guy that was called in when guys got tired of the boys that weren’t much more than a cute paperweight. If you are attracted to the boys that stand out because of how much they’re selling their looks, don’t be surprised if you end up with guys that aren’t much more than… well, their looks. By the way, if anyone reading this sends money to guys because they’re too cute to be a scam, I have some oceanfront property in Kansas you should invest in… It is sad that a red flag is a guy wanting to be honest and of service. Some guys are just submissive and don’t admit it until they’ve done everything in life they were “supposed” to do but still couldn’t deny who they really wanted to be. It’s not unheard of; isn’t that the reason half of you gay employers have ex wives and grown children? Anyhow, that’s what I loved finding in “employers”, the men that had to be the leaders at work but were sub lovers behind closed doors. Those sub boys have to support themselves before they find the right guy to submit to. Yes, it’s true that some sub men, whether younger or older, have degrees. The difference is those guys never asked me for money. Also, while I’m not skinny, I too purposely list my weight as high as a site or app lets me, but I always note in my profile that I do it because it makes the shallow guys accidentally filter me out of their searches. When I started doing that here (when I was a houseboy), I stopped getting bothered by the more shallow “employers”. Of course I also found out that a lot of bottom guys prefer bigger tops, but that’s another story. You’ll run into fakes no matter what kind of site you’re on. 1 real guy will make you forget 100,000 fakes. Just block the fakes and move on, but don’t let it get you bitter or discourage you. I found my career by learning from the men I worked for and can’t imagine what life would be without my experiences. I say that because I guarantee you there is an amazing guy on here that would be so grateful for the experience that you’re probably overlooking because he’s not the one posting clickbait twink pictures. It doesn’t matter if 99% of the boys here today are fake as long as you keep your focus on the one that isn’t.
  9. Oh, I saw another hilarious one. Paraphrasing again for comedic effect "I just graduated from a top school and have a degree in civil engineering. And after having spent > $100,000 on my education, I am ready to be a live-in cock sucker in exchange for room and board forgoing any return on my investment and any application of my degree". Yup, totally credible.
  10. Thanks for sharing your experience. One other thing that works is to insist on having a video call pretty early in the conversation. If they have some excuse why they can't do it, move on.
  11. I've been wondering the same thing. I've chatted with a number of bois here and moved to texting and calls, etc. Inevitably the fraud surfaces. And yeah, I've been trying 10+ years. Recently a cute 27yo (on the profile) Latin guy who wants to be be a live-in, not demanding a salary, acts wonderfully. We get on our first voice call and he doesn't sound anything like a Latin buy from Brazil, his accent was definitely of the African or Middle Eastern variety. I asked him about it said he grew up somewhere else, I pushed on it, he couldn't name a country... BYE. So this falls under your TGTBT category for sure. Another red flag on your list is when they describe themself and say something like "I am a loving, caring, honest..." - big clue here, some says "honest" at the get go it's a diversion, they are scamming you 99.9% of the time, as being dishonest it's their psychological need to overtly make you think he is honest. Don't fall for it, or push on it. I like your suggestion to add "there is nothing you can say that will convince me to send you money" to the profile of an employer. I'll take you up on that!
  12. I've been on and off here for a decade. I had one houseboy situation work out for about 8 years. He didn't have legal status and thats why he went the HB route. He did turn out to have some serous mental health issues but we were able to make it work for that time. It looks like a lot of the longtime fakes and prostitutes have been deleted from this site, and thats great. I know two HBs on this site who are who they say they are, but both are here for fantasy play. Now when I examine HB profiles I don't see a single one that does not raise red flags. Flushing NY address (default if you dont specify an address) Age hasn't changed for years (keeps rolling back his age every year) Nonsensical body dimensions. (Weight listed as 500 lbs, and photo shows a skinny guy) Obvious lies in profile. "I'm not a paid member so I can't respond to you here". (thats not a limitation that exists on this site) TGTBT (too good to be true), Hot young underwear model body boy who wants nothing more than to please an old troll and wants nothing in return. I wish every employer would add to their profile "there is nothing you can say that will convince me to send you money". It might chase away some of the fakes. I've seen posts about fake employers but they are hilarious. Paraphrasing "This employer is fake, he wouldn't send me money before meeting me", HA! Anyone having different results?
  13. I travel back and forth between Los Angeles and Arizona. Would you be interested in some traveling? Let me know.
  14. Adler


    The profile is no longer up but if I see it again I will call attention to it.
  15. GreatHomeForYou


    Glad you didn't lose any money. Feel free to post that profile to help someone else from getting taken.
  16. Adler


    I fell for a post by an Employer in Jacksonville, FL wanting to find a new situation for his current House Boy due to a changing family situation. Ultimately the House Boy asked for money to pay for his Grandmother’s funeral. When I wasn’t able to help he ghosted me.
  17. Bill, your great story is more proof of how times have changed, but not for the better. We had our first houseboy in the late '80s and we had over 30 qualified candidates apply for that position. The one we chose stayed with us for 5 years while he attended college and then of course moved on. We had a few other long term houseboys and always had a pool of candidates from which to choose. Now we find ourselves at the opposite end of the spectrum. The last houseboy we had was in 2018 and we have not been able to find a serious houseboy who wants to live in Daytona Beach, Florida since then. Most all of these boys on here are either scammers or are looking for sugar daddies. They don't want to do any work, they just want to lay around and look pretty while collecting a salary. I just can't imagine what the next several generations of youth will be like. Anyway, best of luck in your continued search for a serious match.
  18. Bast81 - we did a search and it said that no profile exists for you. Maybe that's the reason you aren't having much luck. Go into the main page and type in your name and hit search. We couldn't find your profile there and two of our friends who have profiles on here couldn't find your profile either.
  19. check out my profile and respond here or to my houseboy profile and I’m looking for someone who is gym fit 18-45, sane no drugs serious only thx
  20. Check out my houseboy employer profile and if you’re interested and serious only message me there
  21. If anyone is interested send me a message or just reply here thanks
  22. We can empathize with you about this. Years ago there were so many legitimate boys that we scheduled interviews with them to select the proper fit. Now, like yourself, we find about 1 in 25 are honest and sincere. Oh how times have changed and continue to get worse. Good luck in your search!
  23. I’ve talked to 24 profiles on here. Only one was an actual person looking to be a houseboy. The rest were scammers! Anyone else have the same trouble?
  24. I have been a member on Houseboy.com a couple of times as an employer. Recently have been in communication with 3 guys in different areas of the USA. While they expressed a keen desire to come for a visit or more, without my finding anything out about them ... even a full name ... their biggest request is that I send the money to them, so that they can make travel arrangements. BULLSHIT!! IF I were to send the money - they wouldn't ever show! DON'T BE GULLIBLE TO THESE SCAMMERS! A GOOD 65% OF THE PROFILES ON HOUSEBOY.COM ARE FAKE/FRAUDULENT! (I have performed reverse image search on several AND reported the findings without profile removal)
  25. hello- I am seeking to become someones houseboy asap
  26. Professional in mid forties looking for a house boy. You need to have a drivers license, be computer literate. I am a single father and need assistance with the kids upbringing, homework. Looking for a well educated/ well mannered guy, who is not just a pretty face. Ideal candidate also cooks. We have a house keeper who helps out with cleaning, laundry and some cooking too. The House Boy is mostly dedicated to daddies needs. A nice massage here and there, a work out together, foot rub or help with a stretch, grocery shopping, car washing. Personal Assistant with benefits is the best way to describe the job. You must fit into our lives and schedules and enjoy being told what to do. We live a very vibrant life with a lot of travel, you should also have a good passport as you will sometimes travel internationally with me. The right guy is passionate about life, curious about the world, interested in a family : healthy life style. get in touch and let's figure out if we are a match.
  27. Looking to be a houseboi for an employer near me Canton Mi area
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