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Posts posted by shakota

  1. there's a really easy way to deal with scammer boys.....


    Seriously... basic common sense, continual admonishments here and on every other hookup site online beat the drumbeat about sending money. For chrissakes, anyone who would actually send some random boy cash for some cliche hardup story at this point is a serious idiot. Not just an idiot, but a certifiable, double digit IQ, Homer Simpson archetypal, how does he manage to put pants on in the morning without impaling himself on the kitchen faucet RETARD. "A Fool and his Money is soon Parted" is from friggin AESOP (Remember Aesop's Fables from the Rocky & Bullwinkle show???) over 2000 years ago!

    This scam is not new, it's been around in one form or another at least as long as there's been money. Think about that for a second.... Thousands of years.... Same Story.... You're not special, and they're not criminal masterminds.

    JUST... STOP.... BEING... BAIT....

    If you people stop falling for the scam, they will go away, like any other predator in search of prey.

    STOP sending money to ANYONE.

    STOP whining about how stupid you are.

    STOP pretending any cop, prosecutor, or judge is going save you from your own ignoramnity.

  2. Here's what you need to know: derrick and cody have scammed over $1500 that we know of. A lot of people here like to play armchair lawyer, and there is a lot of misinformation.

    An "armchair lawyer" is someone who thinks a judge gives a rats ass about being technically correct. A judge will take one look at this website, then spend several seconds (but no more) admonishing you for wasting his time. If he's charitable, he'll used words like 'caveat emptor'

    You might get a prosecutor to take an interest, but only if it's an election year.


  3. I have only had my profile on the site for a short time and have already been contacted by people on the site who just want you to send them nude photos and other personal information for identity fraud!!

    If there are 'employers' actually attempting to steal the identity of a potential houseboy (who tend to have terrible credit), I would be very surprised... mostly at the kind of person who would waste time and treasure on something with so little reward. I find your supposition dubious.

    However, your point about the need to for houseboys to protect themselves and to keep an escape plan prepared is very good advice.

  4. Are guys on here serious about being employers? I am just curious, because I am very serious about being a houseboy.

    There are 3 basic types of employers here:

    1. The Pervert

    2. The Lonely

    and distant 3rd: The Busy Man with Money

    and there are 3 basic types of houseboys here:

    1. The Scammer

    2. The Dysfunctional

    and distant 3rd: The Good Boy in Need

    These lists do not include everyone, but virtually all fit within these overly broad categories. Everyone wants number 3, but they themselves are more like a mix of number 1 and number 2.

    I've had half a dozen boys from this site in the past few years, all of them at least dysfunctional and unable to live on their own, several of them were thieves.

    For full disclosure, I'd consider myself a Busy, Lonely, Pervy Man with a fairly lucrative career.

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  5. Don't you realize that virtually everyone on this site, boy or employer, has some sort of serious social or emotional deficiency? Employers are either lonely and/or perverts. Boys are either users and/or incapable of taking care of themselves. EVEN THOUGH good people exist here, everyone still has issues, so you can either accept that you WILL need to deal with an unknown skeleton in the closet no matter what, or just give up and whine to Michael like he's somehow responsible for performing your own due diligence.

    BE HONEST about what you're looking for. Make sure you have an exit plan. Take steps to ensure the boi OR employer cannot do too much damage. NEVER SEND MONEY! Due your own due diligence.

    Caveat Emptor. So get over it.

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