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Status Updates posted by SirGwain

  1. Many guys in the gay community prefer guys who are physically similar to themselves for their own reasons. Some call it body shaming and others don’t. This post is mainly about explaining my perspective and hopefully sharing yours about this issue among homosexual and bisexual (who look for other) males.

    Personally, I am attracted to men who push their bodies to the limits and set new limits for themselves. My physical journey involves working through my  main challenge: discipline (nothing new or unrelatable). I do some exercises a couple times a month just to keep up my current physique. 

    Why do you exercise? What motivates you when you do? If you have an athletic physique and you’re looking for similar builds, why do you prefer this preference?

     Again, this is just a post to understand other’s perspectives. It’s intention is not to make you upset.

    1. SirGwain


      Update: Instead of "pushing your body to your limit", it’s more like keeping your body in one’s preferred healthy shape. Personally, I don’t strive for abs, but I still want to be flexible enough to touch my feet.

      Again, this is just a post to understand other’s perspectives. It’s intention is not to make you upset.

  2. It’s been a hot minute. I’m at a point in my life when I just want to have dates and go on other adventures. Hooking up isn’t bad. I’m just turning the page on a new chapter in my life and I just hope to find someone special to be in it. 

  3. What did everyone do during quarantine? I didn’t do too much from playing video games, apartment hunting, and watching YouTube.

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