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Posts posted by VaBeachBoi

  1. If you follow these basic rules, you should be fine for the most part:


    Rule #1: Never ever blindly send someone money for any reason, especially if you have never met them in person. If the boy requires money for sick grandma in order to continue talking to you, just move on to the next guy.

    Rule #2: If you have to buy someone transportation, make sure you buy the ticket and they can't do anything with it other than come to you, i.e. can't refund it or change it without paying a high fee. However, I usually prefer just to visit them and bring them back with me. Yes, it costs more, but it is the safest, especially considering you get to meet them first before actually committing to them moving in. And, most importantly, the scammers will never agree to meet first and go back with you. It's an easy way to weed them out before a dime is spent.


    Rule #1: Never go to stay with someone without having a backup plan. You don't want to get there and then be forced to stay there against your wishes without a way to get back or place to go. The backup plan could even be another potential employer willing to bail you out quick.

    Rule #2: Make sure the employer knows what to expect out of you and what you expect of them. Never agree you will definitely be having sex with them. If anything, indicate it could be possible if all works out with the employment/relationship after awhile. The ones out for sex only, and likely leaving you out in the cold soon after getting it, are not likely to agree to have you come if are being flakey about the sexual part, and definitely won't pay to have you come if they know you have a backup plan. It's a great way to weed these types out. But even if you are the sexual type, it's still a bad idea to put out soon after you arrive. First make sure the employer is comfortable with you being there and you comfortable as well. As soon as a routine is established and longer-term plans being discussed, would I consider the sexual part.

    Rule #3: Research the person you are moving in with and the place they live to be sure you are comfortable with what you are getting into.

    If you follow the above rules, you'll quickly realize how few legit people are actually on here. You will have fewer opportunities, in fact they will be quite rare. But I'd rather deal with that than being scammed even once.

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