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  1. There are 2 sides to every story… This houseboy is committing slander and strangely fabricating crazy lies. This story he is posting is NOT TRUE and it is hard to admit but his side of the story is painful for us to read because it came from someone who we trusted to come into our lives, moved into our houses and spent time with our family and friends. But again, you would not really know someone until you spend time with the person. This delusional guy told us such a story about a situation that he had in Hawaii with another couple and of course we felt bad for him because we were listening to only 1 side of the story, but you know what? Now, we are the story, hahaha. We became a story like the Hawaii couple story that he told us. His story is just shown what kind of a con-artist he is. This is a good example of why we should not judge the book by its cover”, it is almost impossible to make the right decision until you know all the facts. If you like to get to know someone, spend real time with the person and you will get to know the real him/her. However, in this case if you don’t give this guy all the picky items he wants, he will change to a different person. That’s what our experience was after giving and giving to him (paid for his plane ticket b/c he promises to help us for at least 2 weeks but he decides to leave by himself, paid for his special groceries that is worth more than $100 because he doesn’t eat normal food like us and he promises to use the food and cook for us and he didn’t, 80% of the day he spent time relaxing and explored his interests). We should file a lawsuit against this person because we have enough evidence to prove his lies, but we decided to just move on and put this deceitful experience in the past. Let the higher power decide who did what and how, who is a liar and who is a forgiver. We believe good things WILL happen to good people and BAD things WILL happen to bad people. For us Karma is real and we will leave at that. Everyone should be warned about the bad house boys that are out there to scam and take advantage instead of helping their host.
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