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Posts posted by theatrestar

  1. So glad to see the above message because I was contacted by the guy listed at the top of this post, and his profile sounds perfect, maybe that should have told me something. I love close to where he says he lives, in Baltimore, and have been trying for 4 days to connect with him just via the phone, and each time he seems to want to hold it off because of his friends, etc. You are correct he sounds like a very nice and willing person, who I really wished to help- but now I am suspicious after reading the above post. I am new to the site and would love to find a real houseboy who is real, why does it have to be this hard??? I want someone to prove me wrong- do good guys exist?

  2. Good day everyone!

    I am seeking a houseboy for my home in the northern suburbs of DC in Maryland. Have looked on seekingarrangements and daddyhunt, but have found the sincerity lacking. If you are seeking to relocate for a position, please hit me up. I look forward to interested houseboys being in contact, and we can talk about making this happen. Have a great day everyone!

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