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Everything posted by BosticBuddies

  1. You ask if your profile looks OK. Since you seem to want to improve it, I will answer honestly. First, the font needs to be bigger and you have to dump at least half of the words. You can do that by editing without losing any of the intent of what you're saying. There are so many typoes you don't seem college-educated. Get the license thing fixed so you don't have to tell people about it. If you can't then get rid of the car before you end up in jail. While many of the employers have dogs, I don't think any of us will be willing to take on a geriatric shit-zu and the looming vet bills. Now for the good stuff (get rid of that line, or follow it with good stuff) Sell yourself. What could your experience bring to someone? Could you design a website as good as houseboy? Do you clean up in the poker games? Are you a good cook? Bisexual usually means gay but planning to use it as an excuse to not have sex with you. I genuinely hope this helps. Good luck with your quest.
  2. We are a gay couple and have had a couple houseboys in the past. Then we moved from Florida to NC and bought a 90-year-old farmhouse. We're looking for someone who can help us grow a farm first and a gay camping community in the long term. We have a couple months before growing season and aren't in any specific hurry, but we're not real sure how to begin the search. If not this site, does anyone know of a better site to find a gay live-in farm helper?
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