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  1. 4 points
  2. He added a fourth - all fake, all immediately want to go to google chat and want to come to you right way - they just need money. Doesn't even put any effort into it. Asks nothing expect when can you send him money.
    4 points
  3. Thank you so very much for posting this. I hope everyone reads your post and uses caution when contacting every boy.
    4 points
  4. And I have a feeling that they all have the same address in Flushing New York
    3 points
  5. I think that many people on this site just treat this site like a regular porn site, versus dealing with real peoples lives. (I got to be first to admit there is a lot of eye candy on the site.) the only way to really fix this issue is that the owners of this website gets serious and make it to where people can meet and employ people who want to be employed!
    3 points
  6. Scammer be aware. Never replies to question, I'm talking basic simple info. Be careful
    3 points
  7. Before I paid to relocate someone there would be extensive chats about expectations online, then I would visit them to see if everything's a good fit. If that's the case then I'd personally relocate them.
    3 points
  8. Houseboy by the name Devid contacted me and fleeced me out of $1000 US. He issued me offers to come to this location for 1 month trial. Lives in Khazicstan. Don't fall for it. Luckiky I taped everything so Feds don't have to work to hard.
    2 points
  9. My roommate is moving to another city and has tried to set up a profile. He has been waiting over 2 weeks to be able to log in. He gets the “still being vetted” message when logging in. He got the confirmation link in an email and still not able to log in. He gets emails showing who is viewing his profile, upgrade options etc.. We have both tried to contact “the team” and I even “submitted a ticket” for assistance. Not a single response and no assistance or support has been provided.
    2 points
  10. The server is failing here. the ability to get in to log in has corrupted boot in instructions. I found you can get in this way you will get an email from HB saying MEMBERS VIEWED YOUR PROFILE open that click on one of the names that should get you in it seems to work from there.
    2 points
  11. Hey guys, haven't been online for quite some time. I'm looking to relocate to the UK on a semi permanent or permanent basis. Looking for a live in employer. Also don't mind couples (certainly have the libido for it). Can do most types of work and can learn the remaining ones. I'm a bottom and more than open to experimenting. If I have a choice I'd have sex a few times a day lol. Don't hesitate to message if interested. I'm very communicative and have never turned down the chance to chat with someone.
    2 points
  12. It doesn’t matter which browser I use. I can never load the page that shows who’s viewed my profile. Safari, Chrome, Firefox, doesn’t matter. What’s happening?
    2 points
  13. It loads with Safari but often takes a while. I find that if I search photos first for a few minutes, other functions like visitor profiles and messages work faster. Searching photos always comes up immediately. Searching for houseboys loads quickly. Viewing messages takes time to load and viewing profile visits takes a long time to load (like do something else and come back to see if it's loaded).
    2 points
  14. Another scam profile is ElijahFeguson All of his pictures have been taken from a German Models page https://www.pixwox.com/de/profile/fr_ost_y/ He won't do any video or phone and will only use google chats. Took him a day to ask for me to send him money.
    2 points
  15. So sorry we were down for a week (forums). We had issues with the files that needed to be on the server for the new version of the board software.
    2 points
  16. Hi, this is my first time posting on the forums and I know this site is technically for employers interested in houseboys but I'm curious if there's any older men here who are interested in a househusband. (Or housewife, I'm not too caught up in gender since I'm technically nonbinary/gender-fluid. I'm just as okay wearing a tux as I am a french maid outfit). In any case, I recently turned 27 and even though at this age I should be concerned about settling into a career, for as long as I can remember the idea of settling down with someone for the rest of my life has always resonated with me. I've always fantasized about having a husband to cook for, clean up after and submit to but unfortunately, I'm from Jamaica and that's not a possibility at the moment since same sex marriage isn't legal. Of course I don't expect anyone of sound mind to immediately jump into a marriage with someone they've never met, especially someone from another country, but I am curious if there's anyone here who'd be interested in affirming my feminine desire to get married and be a homemaker/househusband later down the line. I don't really have my sights set on anywhere in particular, as long as it's somewhere that gay marriage is legal and you're someone who's emotionally available, emotionally stable and emotionally intelligent (and not currently married to someone else) that's good enough for me. Ideally we'd get to know each other virtually, exchange pictures, video call, date long distance and do everything committed couples do in a monogamous relationship for a bit and then you could even visit me if you're in a position to do so until I'm able to relocate and officially tie the knot. I understand if the idea of starting off long distance might sound daunting, but I genuinely believe I'm worth the investment (and I'm more than willing to put in the time/effort if you are). I also have strong maternal instincts so I also look forward to nurturing/raising children of our own someday, but it's not necessarily a requirement and we can cross that bridge when we get there (I'm fine with the idea of raising a fur baby). On a semi related note, I'm a total softie who enjoys all the romantic, mushy stuff but I definitely have a kinky side too. I'm pretty open minded so I'm willing to try almost anything as long as it's safe, sane and consensual. I live to please! For what it's worth, I'm open to all races and body types, but I have a soft spot for big hairy men. I don't know what it is, but there's just something about being cuddled by a bear that makes me feel safe and protected and taken care of. Bonus points if you're a dominant top that generally thinks of himself as a Daddy type (if you're verse or a side that's fine with me too). If any of this interests you, feel free to reach out. Looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. There are pics of me on my profile in case you're curious but I have no problem sending additional pics to verify my identify/prove my sincerity. P.P.S. Please don't be a jerk. If you can't relate to anything I've mentioned so far and this isn't for you, just wish me luck and be on your way. I can appreciate constructive criticism and sound advice, but I can do without passive aggressive comments and snide remarks. Thank you!
    2 points
  17. Thank you very much, you're very kind and I appreciate you taking the time out to not only read my post, but to respond as well. I also appreciate the heads up on the lack of engagement in the forums. I'll def keep that in mind. Looking forward to seeing what the site has in store for me though. God bless!
    2 points
  18. Hey there I'm new and it seems so far this forum is fairly quiet so I thought I would say Hi and post a topic for light discussion. Anyone who wants to join are free too as well posting any additional topics we can discuss! Be Nice Now! Will there ever be openly Gay Or Bi President? Why or why not would you say?:-\
    2 points
  19. Out of the blue after 1 year I get phone call from Danny=vegasboy (we have never spoken or communicated ever) looking for a position. While I was interested I told him to provide recent Pic & personal details. As we're talking I check main houseboy website & NO MORE VEGASBOY! Thought it was a scam for $ but felt sorry for him. Since he deleted his profile putting aside my concern for him I hung up & blocked his phone number. Disappointed bc we were considering helping him! Be careful, don't get suckered in, like we did in past cost us $$ Ask for info & do background check. ALSO, BIG CLUE LOOK AT THEIR ADDRESS! FOR EX SEVERAL GUYS ARE AT SAME ADDRESS IN MIDDLE OF PARK IN BROOKLYN NYC!
    2 points
    2 points
  21. His address is the middle of park in Brooklyn SCAMMER
    2 points
  22. Recently it has started to work again, but is VERY slow in opening, but it is working. I would estimate about 5 minutes? I keep having hit the "wait" button.
    2 points
  23. A SCAMMING MORON STAY AWAY this idiot is a scammer
    2 points
  24. DavidRoca62 FUCK YOU you're harassing me on here & email So listen up & read if you're literate No profile FUCK YOU no response to questions FUCK YOU so FUCK YOU we are NOT INTERESTED IN A SCAMMER FOR MONEY SO FUCK YOU
    2 points
  25. DavidRoca62 FUCK YOU you're harassing me on here & email So listen up & read if you're literate No profile FUCK YOU no response to questions FUCK YOU so FUCK YOU we are NOT INTERESTED IN A SCAMMER FOR MONEY SO FUCK YOU
    2 points
  26. Thank you GreatHome, I also think he is just writing to everyone who has been in the forums, going down the list and sending his "looking for a nice person".
    2 points
  27. No one is taking you seriously since you still haven't made your profile public for everyone to see.
    2 points
  28. any issues getting on website? been 3 - 4 days can't even get to login page any help appreciated
    2 points
  29. Access is normally granted weekly or a few times a week.Why? Spammers often log in, create fake profiles using proxies and we want to see if they log in and there is a discrepancy. It is as simple as that. We remove about 100 fakes per week or more. I am not sure why so many try but they do and they must be getting someone to give them money or they would not be trying.
    2 points
  30. Handsomeboy4u is a scammer, don't fall for his stories. He's has multiple profiles in the past.
    2 points
  31. With Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and other browser platforms, there is an add-on application you can get generally called Reverse Image Search allowing you to RIGHT click on a photo and search for similar across numerous websites. A good 30% of the 'houseboys' on this website are FRAUDULENT - using someone else's photos OR claiming to be someone else. PLUS, IF you contact someone and they refuse to send additional photos - THAT'S a good indication that something's wrong!
    2 points
  32. Hey guys, stop-ya-bitchin, This site is ancient, it's likely there's not much staff, probably only one person who's aged out of current web tools. Instead of complaining, offer to volunteer some of your time and know how to help improve the site. It's obvious he(?) Needs help. Should your offer be refused, that's when the bitchin is appropriate.
    2 points
  33. I'd say depends largely on what you want, is it company on the road... or are you thinking more so someone in the sleeper tied up and ready to be used whenever you get bored?
    2 points
  34. That is very true. so I have to believe that there are people actually doing that.
    2 points
  35. I can only go by my experience with him, if he was honest there wouldn't have been an issue. Also, you're not aware of our conversation. I respect your opinion and advice but again I can only refer to my personal experience.
    2 points
  36. Vegasboi is not a scammer. He did live in my home for 10 months. He does lie a lot and he doesn't look like his profile picture anymore. He's probably in his 40s now. That is why you won't get a current picture of him. He is a good house keeper, but he is not good company. He can be controlling and aggressive. So good luck with this guy.
    2 points
  37. Here I am, an incredibly qualified well preserved man in my 50s who has been looking for a suitable live in gig in Southern California for YEARS.... And despite the legions of older single gay men in this region, many of which I am certain have large homes that they either do not wish to leave, or faced with modern ironic yet endemic financial infeasibility of leaving, but are overwhelmed with trying to take care of the place themselves, I am still unable to find anyone willing to even interview me! I have been a private meal service chef and an events producer in the city of Los Angeles for over 20 years. I own my own vehicle free and clear. I have no debt. I am in a long term stable living situation but I want to trade up. I am not financially destitute. I have never been a drinker or a drug user. Most importantly, I keep an amazing home. There simply HAS to be at least ONE man in Southern California who sees exponentially more value in considering a live in gig with someone like me, who is literally bursting with marketable skills, then in some dopey cum fountain who reads at a seventh grade level who will do nothing for them but satisfy their dwindling sex drive, be high all the time, and possibly foist an endless panoply of drama upon them. I have literally been on this site for over ten years. I knew my value then, and I still know it (and in many ways it has increased). Are there ANY California dwelling independent critical thinkers on here born between 1947 and 1965 who have taken ten minutes to consider what it might mean for them to grow older in place without anyone to share their household responsibilities with? If that is you, I would consider dropping me a message. Bill
    1 point
  38. unfortunately the website is only partially maintained on autopilot but is really just a front for the porn site which is the moneymaker it's definitely been getting worse in the last 5 years. it's been years? since michael the sysop posted
    1 point
  39. Thanks. I finally was granted access. After i wrote on the forum.
    1 point
  40. There were at least two dozen new profiles posted this week. Which one was his?
    1 point
  41. I paid to upgrade my account yet I do not have full access to site
    1 point
  42. Asian 37 yo, 5’7. 150 lbs, new to this site, looking for a houseboy. Let me know and we can discuss.
    1 point
  43. New Houseboys should realize this space is like a resume spot for recruitment by Men who have an opening, not just in their home, but in their lives for a worthwhile guy who wishes to live within the Gay community as a helper and part of our family. The internet it seems, has created a new means to form attachments, but the fact is, many men are seeking to have a REAL companion, and it's a shame that there are no formal rules for communication, just a polite, and open suggestion that people realize they are in a marketplace, trying to "sell" your experience, desires, goals and future hopes to be a part of the community, and a family, in a significant way. Likewise, guys seeking a Houseboy have the responsibilty to realize they are not "hiring" an indentured servant, who is obligated to adhere to any whim, kink, situation or demand you make, you are selecting someone that you wish to take on in a mutually beneficial situation. To those unfortunate losers who are basically predators in locating and abusing guys for a time and hope to find someone as gullible and irresponsible of their own future and safety, well, there is a thing called Karma which will eventually place you into a situation where you belong! For those Houseboy wannabees who think they can lie and obfuscate their way into a position of some reward, give it up, the situation is there are many more out there who see through you just by the sheer fact you do not communicate well, tend to change stories, and will point you out to others long before you have a chance to profit much, and realistically, you have no future in duping people, there are too many of them, and too few braincells in your pathetic cranium! This leaves those few serious people who are sincerely pressing to locate a companion, adopt and bring them into something which can really only be described as the ride of your life. Sure, there are pitfalls, drugs, alcoholism, petty and demented guys on both sides, who just wanna take any advantage they can, but,in the end, that kind of behavior is short-lived and best sought out for exposure, and getting someone banned from participation in polite company. Perhaps this is the best advice to give, there is a polite, thriving community which welcomes people who deserve a place, and that same community is strong enough to weed out and segregate users and abusers alike from participating. The main point of this is the need for communication, what you will find is those who are worthwhile do have the ability to tell you what they are seeking, how they either desire, or offer help, and who can easily convey the idea of feelings, needs and those skills, abilities and hopes they bring to the table. It all starts with communication, so if you hide, fail to respond, or tend to not purposely say enough about yourself and prove to each other a sincerity and caring attitude, it will show, those people who only discuss "ME, ME, ME!" are the ones who have neither the ability or attitude to help or support anyone, themselves, included.
    1 point
  44. I’d like you guy’s opinion on having everyone wanting to set up a profile on the website be REQUIRED to verify a photo to the site management. I just think it would eliminate a WHOLE lot of the fakes on here. It’s already an option than many use. And it doesn’t require your face to be made public on the site. Comments? Suggestions?
    1 point
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